ARCH1101 Blog
Rosalie Gascoigne
Rosalie Gascoigne’s artwork titled ‘Piece Work’ which she created in 1994 is made up of sawn off wood on craftboard. The artwork is relatively large at a just under a one meter square. The artwork is classified as a sculpture mostly made up of wood cut offs.
When asked how she finds her materials Rosalie explains that she waits for a fine day and gets into her car and just goes roaming in the countryside. She didn’t mind if she didn’t find anything as the countryside was absolutely amazing and then she found the country dump by a lot of roaming, this gave her a lot of materials full of life. Once she has all these objects she shelters them from the elements. Once she starts creating an artwork she roams her studio looking for materials that bring her to a realisation.
‘Her particular response is to find beauty and poetry in the ordinary things that represent and allude to the changes in terrain and climate.’ - Copyright Art Gallery of Western Australia
Tracey Moffat an Australian contemporary artist who created ‘Adventure series #2’ in 2004 utilizes photography as her main medium. ‘Adventure series #2’ a C-print collage is relatively large in scale at just over a 114cm wide and 132cm high.
Tracey believes that this set of works would be easy to create and yet she faced many obstacles in collecting all the props she needed. ‘Everything, even with the help of professional model agencies, props people and assistants was very expensive and very hard to find. Never think that art making is easy. It is always a test.’ - Tracey Moffat